From a Culture of Accountability to a Culture of Ownership
Joe’s most popular topic for hospital audiences covers essential characteristics for building a culture of ownership, including practical ideas for implementing these strategies in your organization, and real world examples for each. Because nobody ever checks the oil in a rental car! Read More
Values Based Service
You won’t improve customer experience by giving people a pep talk, a script, and a happy face pin. You’ve got to give them values based skills, tools, and strategies and inspire them to put these resources to work. Patient Satisfaction is the outcome. A Culture of Ownership is the Cause. Read More
Building a Culture of Ownership on a Foundation of Values
You will learn why having a culture of ownership is the only sustainable source of competitive advantage. Joe draws lessons from the legendary business leaders included in his book All Hands on Deck, as well as from contemporary success stories in business, healthcare, and the nonprofit world. Read More
The Twelve Core Action Values
Joe challenges people to think about their personal values, how those values are reflected in their attitudes and behaviors, and what changes they can make to do a better job of living their values. He provides an overview of the Values Coach course in The Twelve Core Action Values – universal values that have a life-transforming impact upon people who take them to heart. This program is also the kick-off for a more intensive Values Training Initiative for organizations participating in the Values Collaborative. Read More
Honey and Glue
We often speak of recruiting and retention strategies as if they are part of the same package, but as Joe points out in this eye-opening presentation, they each rely upon hitting very different motivational buttons. He describes practical values-based recruiting and retention strategies employed by organizations that have been recognized for their status as best places to work. Read More
Discovering the Lion in Your Mirror
The collective self-talk, self-image, and emotional baggage of the people who work in your organization constitutes an invisible, but very real ceiling on your performance potential. In this entertaining and inspiring presentation, Joe shares practical tools and strategies to help your people break through the fears that are holding them back, stop making excuses and giving in to self-imposed limitations, and work toward becoming their meant-to-be best selves. Read More
Leadership Lessons from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings
While he is best remembered (and loved) as the creator of some of the most popular and enduring works in the history of fiction, J.R.R. Tolkien also had a masterful intuitive understanding of leadership. In this presentation, Joe uses Tolkien’s characters to illustrate eight core leadership archetypes, and scenes from the stories to illustrate essential leadership strategies. Read more
The Physics of Cultural Transformation
A uniquely different and completely entertaining way to look at the culture of your organization – and how to move that culture in a positive direction. Joe shows how the principles of Newton’s physics (including force fields, gravitational pull, and escape velocity); Einstein’s physics (including relativity, critical mass, and energy conversion); and quantum physics (including the uncertainty principle, quantum leaps, and nonlocality) can be applied to organizational change. Read more