A Message from Joe Tye
I’d like to take a moment to talk about one of the most misunderstood – and misused – words in the English language: Empowerment. You often hear that word spoken in the context of one person giving it to another, as in “I’m going to empower you.”
But that’s just loaned empowerment, and loaned empowerment is not the real thing. If someone can give you empowerment, they can also take it away.
You see, the only true empowerment is that which you give to yourself. It’s hard work, claiming that God-given inner power – a lot harder than waiting for someone else to give it to you – but once you’ve given yourself that power, no one can take it away. Once you have claimed the power of self-empowerment, your life will be changed forever.
The seven simple (simple but not always easy) promises of The Self Empowerment Pledge will help you cultivate the attitude, the mindset, and the strength of character you must have in order to achieve your most important goals and to become your meant-to-be best self.
Over the years, the world has tried to convince you that you are not enough – not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, capable enough, deserving enough. From the schoolyard bullies of your youth to the advertising wizards of Madison Avenue, you have been pressured into seeing yourself as less than who you really are.
Here’s my promise to you. If you invest a few minutes every day reciting that day’s promise from The Self Empowerment Pledge, you will one day be able to look in the mirror and see the real you looking back. You will see the person you would be if you didn’t let fear stop you from taking action, if you talked back to your inner critic and reprogrammed negative self-talk, if you did a better job of living your values.
We have seen people make amazing, even miraculous, changes in their lives by committing to The Self Empowerment Pledge.
We’ve seen people take charge of their health and begin to lose weight – in some cases a lot of weight. We’ve seen people finally stop putting off a decision to go back to school, write a book, or start a business.
We’ve seen people share these promises with their families and help their children learn these vital lessons at a young age.
We’ve even seen people break the stranglehold of drug, nicotine, and alcohol addiction by becoming more responsible, accountable, determined, and resilient. The Chicken Soup for the Nurses Soul published July 2015 contains one such story.
Right now you can begin building the keystone habits that will assure your future success and happiness.
Right now you can begin to liberate yourself from the deadweight of the past and create a more positive and compelling vision for your future.
Right now you can decide to take control of your life and never again be the victim of circumstances imposed upon you by someone else.
Right now you can claim your God-given power.
Invest in yourself by taking The Self Empowerment Pledge course and I will teach you skills, strategies, and habits that will help you achieve your most important goals, and become the person you are meant to be.

Joe Tye provides consulting, coaching, and training for hospital, corporate, and association clients. He is the author of twelve books on business and personal success and a frequent speaker on organizational and personal transformation.